You may have had a number of reasons for choosing to become a truck driver. This route may have been one of the best options available, or you might have had family members already in the business. You may even have simply thought that your love of travel would suit the trucking industry.
After starting your job as a commercial truck driver, you may have come to realize all too quickly just how grueling the job really is. The long hours, days and weeks you are expected to drive can easily take a toll, but you may still feel as if you need to stay on the road longer in order to get the most compensation. As a result, you may be one of many truck drivers who turn to alcohol or drugs to meet the demands of the job.
Drugs to stay awake
While some people may think of caffeine as a common substance used to stay awake, many truck drivers around the world opt for harder substances in hopes of staying alert. In fact, cocaine and amphetamines were commonly cited as drugs used by truck drivers around the world in one particular study. Other studies conducted over a 13 year period showed that the following substances were often used:
- Amphetamines
- Cocaine
- Alcohol
- Cannabis
The after-effects of these drugs can also prove harmful. Often, when the substance wears off, fatigue can set in, and drivers are at risk of falling asleep while behind the wheel.
Alcohol on the job
Alcohol was the most prominently used substance as 91 percent of truck drivers in those studies stated that they drank while working. In particular, truck drivers in the United States tested positive for alcohol more often than drivers in other countries. One study showed that 12.5 percent of American truck drivers who participated in the study utilized alcohol while on the job.
The use of these substances can easily put your life and the lives of others on the road at risk. Additionally, if you face a charge for DUI, your CDL could also be on the line. In the event that you do face a drunk or drugged driving charge in Wisconsin, you may want to take the time to fully understand your situation and possible consequences as well as learn how you can defend against the allegations.