It could take little more than a moment of distraction to veer off the road, and suffering injuries in a single-vehicle collision can be stressful and challenging enough as is. Dealing with the concept of causing others to suffer harm may only act to make the situation even more daunting. Unfortunately, the driver in a recent single-car collision that took place in Wisconsin is also facing allegations of drunk driving.
The incident reportedly began after authorities received information about a single-vehicle accident. Upon arriving at the scene, they claim to have found a man laying down in a field nearby and say that although he appeared to be awake, he wasn't responding to questions. They also state that a car was resting on its roof nearby and say the driver was still trapped inside.
While speaking with the driver, they say the man appeared uncertain of what had happened. During the investigation, he allegedly admitted to consuming alcohol prior to driving and police claim that the results of a subsequent blood draw indicated his blood alcohol concentration to be over the legal limit. According to reports, he is now facing felony drunk driving charges in relation to the incident.
With the potential severity of a conviction for felony drunk driving charges, those who face similar allegations could feel somewhat overwhelmed by the process and uncertain how best to proceed. Fortunately, there are attorneys who can examine the charges and evidence against a person and provide guidance in making informed choices about his or her case. An attorney in Wisconsin can work toward protecting a client's legal rights and assist him or her in forming a strategy to pursue the best outcome possible during court proceedings.