Elements of a Breathalyzer Test
Wisconsin law enforcement officials often ask individuals suspected of drunk driving to submit to an alcohol breath test. Though some drivers may refuse to take the offered tests, doing so can result in those individuals losing their drivers' licenses through the state's implied consent law. This law states that by driving on the state's roads drivers have consented to submitting to alcohol testing.
When faced with breathalyzer testing, a driver may only know that a certain result will provide evidence of intoxication to the state's law enforcement officers and prosecutors. However, it can be helpful for individuals confronted with breathalyzer tests and drunk driving charges to understand some of the science behind these often-used alcohol assessments.
A person is tested using a breathalyzer when he or she blows air into the breathalyzer device. The device will generally contain chambers filled with chemical solutions that react with alcohol in the person's breath. When the alcohol in a person's breath reacts with the solutions in the breathalyzer device then the solutions will change color, indicating the presence of alcohol.
The degree of color change exhibited by the breathalyzer device correlates to the level of intoxication present in the tested individual. However, there are many ways that a breathalyzer device may be deficient or defective and thus may produce an inaccurate reading. Improper levels of the chemical solutions, improper calibration of the solutions to the color reading assessment and other issues may skew the results of a breathalyzer test.
Different breathalyzer tests utilize different technology but all breathalyzer tests may be subject to technical problems. An erroneous reading of intoxication may indicate that a sober driver is drunk while operating his or her vehicle.
Attorneys for Milwaukee DUI Breath Tests and Blood Tests
When selecting an attorney, create your own frequently asked questions (FAQ) to find out what your attorney has done in the past and can do for you now.
- How many cases have you won?
- When was the last case you won?
- How many DUI victories have occurred in court?
- When was your last trial?
Dennis Melowski provides real results for his clients. Our attorneys have succeeded in having more than 1,000 drunk driving charges dismissed or reduced to non-alcohol-related charges, including more than 90 complete acquittals in jury trials. In addition, Dennis is the only one to have been selected 10 times for inclusion in Wisconsin Super Lawyers list by Law & Politics and Milwaukee Magazine for DUI defense from 2005 to 2011. DUI defenses can stand or fall based on the results of a Breathalyzer or blood test. In many cases, either device is poorly calibrated or maintained. Law enforcement often take multiple readings, in hope of achieving a number over the legal limit.
We pour over every detail and bring inaccuracies, discrepancies, and violations of proper procedures and rights to the attention of court. Our goal in your case and every DUI defense case that comes to our office: dismissal of charges or acquittal.
By knowing what is at stake, we match our representation accordingly. To schedule an appointment with our premier Wisconsin Breathalyzer test and blood test attorneys, contact us at (920) 294-1414.